Friday, May 11, 2012

Supersize Me...Only In America?

But first, the weather from Britain.  Not my typical report, as this weather forecast is brought to you by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.

And in other news...apparently there is now a debate in Britain concerning spelling errors.  Specifically, should teachers correct more than three grammatical errors?  It seems as if (I do not know the source of this study) more than three corrections in some way damages a child's self-confidence.  I, four won, thinck that coreckting spelling missteaks is a gud idea. 

Compared to Danville, Virginia, Edinburgh is a large city.  Geographically, Edinburgh is twice as large as Danville (100 sq. miles and 40 sq. miles, respectively) yet contains almost thirteen times as many people.  Within the city itself, space is limited; thus, any dwellings are going to be outfitted accordingly.  Having really never lived in the city, urban life is rather foreign to me.  I grew up with cows grazing outside my bedroom windows and beagles barking at the moon, so buses and lorries (trucks) and thousands of people bustling about at times is overwhelming.  Entertainment for me is sitting on the front porch at mom and dad's and looking at the woods.  Real excitement is when a stray dog runs through the yard and we get to check the collar and use the phone box to call the owner.   

But I digress. Ahem.  As I was saying, things may be smaller here in  Britain.  Disclaimer: this is not to say that larger versions of what I am about to discuss do not exist.  I have, indeed, seen them although from my limited exposure these instances are rare.  But, such comparisons do raise questions about the sometimes obsessive need of Americans to supersize everything or buy items in bulk.  

This size is juuuust right!
Coffee Pot: A rather mundane article in the states, in our nice flat we have a coffee press.  You simply spoon the desired amount of coffee into the bottom of the press, add hot water, and press the grounds to the bottom with the plunger (pictured to the right of the press) when the coffee is "ready," this dependent upon how strong you prefer your brew.

Refrigerator:  Slim and compact, you truly only store what you are able to consume, which I think is practical and economical.  No waste here.  I stand approximately twelve inches taller than this model, which puts it at five feet in height.   

Feed me....
Washer/Dryer: And finally the washer/dryer combo.  Quite efficient, although I have learned that it is better to do small loads throughout the week and not amass a pile of clothes.  Trust me on this.  Yesterday I washed six loads of laundry; the radiators prove to be very efficient at drying things.

All a matter of perspective, I assume.  


  1. Glad to learn you had safe travel. I've enjoyed catching up on your blog.
    Greyfriar's Bobby made me feel like I was back in Edinburgh. Brrr - snow.
    It's 47 here today and sunny. Prince Charles has made a hit in America forecasting the weather as he was a major focus on the news yesterday.
    Sounds like you are soaking up the local culture - it must be like a homecoming for you.
    Pick some thistle for me.

    1. It has been nice. Melinda arrived today, and a lovely rainy, blustery day greeted her. We walked about for a bit, but it's a bit too dreary for us. Tomorrow? Sunny, if HRH gave an accurate forecast!


