Monday, May 14, 2012

Somebody Scotch Me!

My wife - having safely arrived from Danville - has been greeted by some of the worst weather within the past two weeks.  You have not experienced Scottish weather unless you take a raindrop propelled by gale force winds in your ear canal.  With the wind whipping and and the water falling we decided to visit a local outdoor market.  

Stockbridge Market
Stockbridge is an area north of Edinburgh, about a ten minute walk from our flat.  The market held on Sundays was recommended to us by the proprietor of a local candy store, and we were informed that we might buy some of the best local products at this particular affair.  Despite the fact that the wind was rather blustery (one woman almost lost her cupcakes) we ambled amid stalls of fish, soap, shortbread, meat, bread, and a host of other things.

The Easter Bunny must be diversifying... 
One interesting Scottish morsel that we both sampled is known as the Scotch egg.  This is a hard-boiled egg wrapped in sausage and breadcrumbs, all of which is then deep fried.  The version pictured is extra spicy, as it was flavored with Ethiopian herbs.  If visiting Stockbridge next Sunday is not on your itinerary, the Highlander Restaurant in Danville indeed serves up a very tasty Scotch egg. 

No Spam?  I think I see Vienna sausages in the back...
Having tasted the sausage, we headed for a stall which advertised a wide assortment of meats.  Options included rabbit, venison, beef, lamb, and squirrel.  If you look closely, you will notice a sign in the back which reads "Eat A Grey! Save A Red!!"

Squid pro quo
Couples only no skating backwards!

Being in such close proximity to the North Sea, fresh seafood is plentiful.  Salmon, haddock, cod, and scallops were popular choices, but for those desirous of something a bit more adventuresome, skate and squid were available!

Fine selection of cheeses
Frankenstein's muenster?
Just around the corner from the seafood was a cheesemonger.  Brie is one of my favorite cheeses, and a fresh brie made of sheep's milk had just been cut and was oozing onto the wooden cutting board.

Other items were available, including rapeseed oil (mentioned in an earlier post entitled "St Andrews: Nature"), teas, jewelry, lotions, and soaps.  Truly a good time was had by all.  And no one lost their cupcakes.  
Homemade marshmallows
And here is your fun fact for the day: last year 2.2 billion fish fingers (or fish sticks) were sold in the UK.  

Happy Mother's Day mom!  I promise I am working and not just eating Scotch eggs.  Love, Mark

Happy Mother's Day mom.  Send us some sun from the beach, and let me know when you are coming to visit!  Love, Melinda


  1. Hi Mark and Melinda.
    It's a rainy day here today, but the temperature is 66. I found the food in Scotland to be tastier than London, but perhaps that's my Scottish ancestry kicking in.
    How's the research Mark? Have you found some tidbits you can share? Your topic, Scottish Societies and Clubs, sounds interesting, but I'm trying to imagine how much has been printed about the freemasons. Are you having to decipher Scottish dialect?

    1. I am finding plenty information, although I will say that my research has turned in a new direction. As I consolidate my notes, I will post a bit about my topic.

      The food is great - we had a curry last night: lamb and spinach, butter chicken, garlic naan bread, and masala tea. Very flavorful.

      Thanks for reading the blog and for your comments!


  2. Glad that Melinda arrived safely and that y'all are enjoying the time together despite the weather. Tell Melinda that the classes are going very well! Scottish tea and shortbread...have some for me (and that low-cal, low-fat fudge doughnut, too). I hope you will let me read your research when you have finished it. And if you get to Carnoustie, take a photo for me! If you travel far enough to the north to visit the Shetland Islands, bring me a rock! Enjoy AND get a lot of work done!!! Cheryl
