Saturday, May 5, 2012

St Andrews: Nature

Many days were spent in this building
After five years, I returned to St Andrews. The view from the 99C (bus number) as one approaches the town never fails - at least for me - to instill a feeling of contentment.  The skyline is dominated by only a few stone edifices, among them the cathedral and St Salvator's (sal-VAY-ters) Chapel: simple, uncomplicated, and untouched by contemporary visions of history.  

There is much to see in St Andrews.  This particular blog is dedicated to the natural beauty of the town and surrounding areas, and subsequent blogs will talk about the variety of attractions and historic sites.  

Oilseed rape is a beautiful, vibrant yellow flower that is used to produce rapeseed oil.  This oil is a great alternative to olive oil, as it is high in unsaturated fat and omega-3s.  The fields are visible from quite a distance, and have a distinct smell. 

Field of oilseed rape
Deans Court Courtyard

Deans Court Garden
The University of St Andrews is Scotland's oldest university (1413) and the third oldest in the English-speaking world.  During my time there, I lived two years in Deans Court which is a postgraduate residence housed in a building dating back to the 15th century.  The building itself is surrounded by well-tended gardens.

View of the Pier
Just a short walk from Deans Court are excellent views of the water.  St Andrews is located right on the North Sea...I can confirm that the North Sea is cold.  As part of the traditions established at the university, some plunge into the frigid waters on May 1st, also known as the "May Day Dip."  Today, students were leaping from the pier into water that measured 44 degrees. 
I always enjoy visiting the harbor.  Below the cathedral, one may walk along the East Sands and continue to follow a path that offers stunning views of the city.  You never know what critters you might see....this little fella looks a bit sleepy: I know the feeling.

On my way out of town, I turned a corner and was surprised to see a bird somewhat bigger than the one I photographed near the harbor.  This one looks slightly more alert than the sleepy little morsel pictured above.

Flcok of Seagulls...when I saw them "I Ran (So Far Away)"
                                Cheers from St Andrews!
I seem to have taken a lot of bird photos.  Something must have been afoul with my camera...

The man who took this asked me a question
right as he snapped the photo

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