Friday, June 1, 2012

What's It About?

Well, not much.  I do know that rank olives, unpasteurized cheese and stale coffee do not a happy stomach make.  Although we have had a wonderful time thus far, yesterday Melinda and I drank - in my opinion - the worst cup of coffee in Scotland.  I have always wondered about this Navy coffee of which I have heard my dad speak, and I now understand.  A note of warning to all who may visit: if offered filter coffee after noon, you may wish to decline.  I ran rabbits the rest of the afternoon.

Although thoroughly jacked up, I did find time to read a bit.  In fact, I read several poems by a writer considered by some to be thoroughly uneducated.  Indeed, it is true that a backward poet writes inverse...

I'm laughing at my own jokes...
It was one of those wonderful Edinburgh days, made beautiful by gusts of wind and heavy rain.  Seeking shelter from the weather, we stepped into a bookstore, and as we walked through the aisles of books, we noticed that a man was crying.  Not wanting to be nosy, I asked the proprietor why this man might be so upset.  I was informed that he and his girlfriend were parting ways; apparently, she was only a whisky maker, but he loved her still...

This morning, as we watch an original Star Trek series rerun, I see that I am not the only person with illegal presentation problems.  Apparently, a dog in St Andrews gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering...

And that's the news from Edinburgh.  All the best for the weekend, and stay tuned for more exciting adventures from......

The Tartan Tour!

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